The Abbey Bridge

Exercises -There are lots of different ways to keep yourself fit. Below are some suggestions. I hope you find them helpful.

If you wish a copy of my 'Summer' (can be done any time of year) Exercise Sheet, please click on here - You will however need Adobe Acrobat to read this. You can get this by clicking on here If you are unable to access this please contact me and I will send you a copy. My address is on the Contacts Page.

Remember fitness classes come in lots of different guises! Nowadays there are so many to choose from but below is a small variety of the better known types of classes.

Choose one of the forms of exercise you fancy from the drop down menu below, or just scroll down the page.

Aerobic Exercises

Usually there is a choice of high or low impact followed by some floor work. These types of classes vary in their difficulty. Check with the instructor first about whether it is suitable for beginners or for the more advanced!Aerobic Lady

Step Aerobics –

The degree of difficulty comes with the your height and the height of the step. The higher the step the harder you have to work. This is again usually followed by floor work


Mainly floor work. Very good for stretching as well as strengthening the body.

Calinetics –

Mainly floor work. Use small movements to strengthen the muscles.

Boxercise –

This uses the techniques based on training boxers. Can be quite hard but fun. You must be able to skip though!

Exercise to Music -

This is the type of class I teach. This has a warm up, an aerobic session (which can vary) followed by floor work and usually relaxation. The degree of difficulty depends on the class and whether any resistance bands, hand weights etc. are used.

Chair Dancing -

This is based on the burlesque dancing. Good fun and works the legs well. Make sure the chair is steady and on a good non slip surface!

There's Body Pump, Body Balance, Body Combat, Body attack, Body Step, Hula classes, Aqua Aerobics ........ the list goes on.................

Remember, if you don't want to join a class, there are a lot of good videos out there. If you are disciplined enough to do it on your own. I find it's far more fun doing exercise with others. You can have a laugh!

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Yoga -

This comes in many different styles. Again Yoga classes vary in their degree of difficulty. Please check with the tutor to make sure a class is suitable for you. Yoga strengthens the mind and body. Requires a great deal of concentration.

yoga pose.

Hatha: covers many styles in one and is good for beginners. It includes the basics of breathing, posture and relaxation
Integral: most common form used in Britain. Suitable for beginners. The emphasis is on breathing, relaxation and meditation
Iyengar: Good for beginners. Belts, blocks and chairs can be used to help, those who are not supple, achieve various postures
Satananda: Very gentle and concentrates on relaxation. Good for beginners and those with health problems such as high blood pressure
Ashtnaga: Unsuitable for beginners or those with weak joints. It’s strenuous fast yoga for the ‘super fit’
Bikram: Uses sauna-like atmosphere to warm the muscles. This form concentrates on 24 postures. Suitable for all.

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Types of Dancing

There are obviously many many forms of dancing from ballet to highland dancing to disco. There's something there for everyone! Just put on the music and dance! Below I've listed a few.

Salsa –

This type of exercise is for the participant who wants to work out but doesn't want to feel as though they are. Very good cardiovascular work out and good exercise for the whole body. Dancing couple

Belly Dancing –

Sorry lads but this is for the ladies only! This can be very enjoyable. Lets the ladies let it all go! It's not as easy as it looks either!

Urban Funk –

This uses dance moves, which let the body roll and step-side and pump. Join in and enjoy – keep an open mind!

What about Highland Dancing? -

Very energetic but what a scream!

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The easiest and safest type of exercise. It needs no special equipment, doesn't put a strain on your joints, it’s free, almost everyone can do it and you can walk just about anywhere and enjoy the surroundings. However, just to confuse you – there are very different kinds of walking!!!!!! Got you there! Yes, they all mean you put one foot in front of the other and go forwards, but at different speeds! With me now?


Normal pace walking. This speaks for itself. Each person does, of course have a comfortable walking speed.

Power walking – that’s when you speed up and start to wiggle with it. You start off slowly then increase your speed bit by bit over a period of time.

Hiking – This is a different type of walking usually over hills, pathways - you can explore the countryside. This really increases your overall fitness muscles tone and bone strength.

Nordik Walking - Walking with two poles. Can be used on flat or hilly territory. Takes a bit of practice at first.

Obviously, the list of different types of exercise is endless. I have only named a few. The experts say we should exercise for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week to maintain a healthy body. However, any exercise you do is far better than none at all. Go on try something!

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Most of us these days find it difficult to fine time to exercise. It is possible to fit exercise into your daily routine with a few simple changes:

  • Take the stairs
  • Park further from where you are going and walk the rest
  • If you use a cordless phone, walk about with it as you talk – walk as you talk!
  • Give your house a spring clean – it’s brilliant exercise!
  • Walk a dog – borrow one if you haven’t got one of your own I can give you a loan of two elderly but energetic collies!
  • Do some gardening
  • Join an active group
  • Take up Salsa or belly dancing
  • Better still – keep laughing! Laughter is the best exercise for the mind and body!

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